Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Flag of Morocco

Day 7

Some interesting facts about Morocco that we have learned on our visit to Morocco was that sweets and cookies are prepared in advanced for the special day and new clothes are purchased for the children. We also learned that traditional breakfast food is herbel, which is wheat and milk soup msemen. It is Moroccan tradition to prepare organ meat, such as liver or heart on the day of the slaughter. 

Day 8

Today we learned that men squat on mattresses or pillows, at beautifully laid tables. The host claped his hands which signified that the meal had begun. Before dinner was served, a guy walked around the table with an attractive pitcher filled with warm water which has been scented with cologne or a few drops of perfume. The guy poured the water on three of our fingers on our right hand, which we ate with.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 6

Like in the U.S., they also eat roasted chicken and pasta!

Day 4

Moroccans eat daily as we do, but before the people of Morocco eat they say a special blessing.

Day 3

Some of Morocco's crops are grouped such as green beans, peppers, eggplants, avacodos, strawberries. Almost every village has a spice stand. A staple food in Morocco is couscous. It is a cereal / rice and it is eaten daily. More spices are cinnamon, cumin, coriander, saffron, and sesame.

Day 5

The cooking methods in Morocco are interesting compared to cooking methods in our country. If you've spent any lenghth time in Morocco, its likely that you've encountered "Red Cheese". No, this is not a cheese which is tinted red, but rather a Moroccan term to refer to imported Edam cheese wrapped in bright red paraffin wax, Edam has been adopted by many Moroccans as their go-to-all-purpose-cheese.

Day 2

We have learned from watching a skilled cook in Morocco, that roasting is a common cooking method. The green peppers looked great when they were done!

Day 1

The first day we arrived in Morocco, which is located in the northwestern part part of Africa with coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea; it is bordered by Algeria to the east and Mauritania to the south. The weather was moderate, because of the subtropical climate, cooled by breezes from the Mediterranean Sea & Atlantic Ocean. Morocco was very calming.